Adrian Von Ziegler

Official Page:

I first discovered this composer after noticing him in the related video feed on Youtube but never remember from what band or previous video. Hailing from Switzerland Adrian makes anything form Celtic Music to Dark Metal and Crossing the two in melodic harmony.

Releasing two albums last year and 3 in this, he continues to go from strength to strength. Following him as his music progresses my love for all things Celtic have also meant I’ve developed a love for his darker atmospheres, sometimes playing them over gameplay when it fits. His newest album ‘Mirror of the Night’ has been used substantially in my working through of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

However equally I’ve used ‘Wanderer’ to fall asleep to.

Either way if you can’t find anything you don’t like by him then I believe it is a crime against Music quite frankly.

To delve into the more important aspect of it what does it do for me personally ?? He takes you into a realm of film by music … sort of like watching ‘Lord of the Rings’ but by listening to the soundtrack (and we all know how epic the soundtrack was). This is why I can shut myself away and fill up every crevice of my imagination creating back drops and story lines to the sets. To put this into perspective I’m based almost completely academically within the real world but for someone to open up somewhere I can lose myself more then watching a film/playing a video game is something quite new to me – this is the nerve it hits when I here the first chords.

At this juncture I think I am going to leave you all a link to my favourite track at the end of each piece and from there you can judge or progress through the back catalogues.

From his first Album: ‘Requiem’ … The song: ‘Gleipnir’ …

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