Andy Mckee

Official Page:

Mr. McKee is in my eyes one of the greatest guitarists of the modern age. However this is for acoustic which is where he bases his music. First discovering him when recommended by one of my long time friends.

Releasing an EP and 4 albums since, it’s extremely difficult to fault his progression throughout his career. All you have to do is listen to perhaps one or two tracks from each album and he could easily release a greatest hits/best of Andy McKee.

There’s not really a simple way of explaining the music. It’s passionate for one thing, every note is strummed with definition. A passion you can really see when you watch him play.

I think many of the reasons I described for ‘Adrian Von Ziegler’ apply to Andy. You take the music and write a back story for it and simply for that reason he’s included in my library. As well as being a soother for when things get stressful.

I have no ‘favourite’ of Andy’s I can pick out but I shall leave with one of his newer pieces hanging in the air.

From ‘Joyland’ – ‘Hunter’s Moon’:

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